Wednesday, December 1, 2010

side project

Does anybody know about Slurpee? 
(yeaah, i think yes)  

"A Slurpee is a slushie sold by 7-Eleven. In 1967, 7-Eleven licensed the product from the ICEE Company, and began selling it as the Slurpee." -wikipedia

this is an advertising for Ester's project. She said that the lecture ask the student to make an advertisement about food and beverage... Actually, this was rejected by the lecturer (since the lecturer don't know much about design), the lecturer wanted the advertisement, which full with word and explanation (i don't like that way). 

comment, anyone?


  1. hai Kartika! :D
    Sori blog aku lagi ngaco, masa gak bisa komen di blog sendiri huhu :(
    Aku jawab disini aja yah :D
    mmm gambar di tembok bahannya cuma cat tembok sama kuas aja kok :D aku sempet posting pengalaman ngemural disini

    moga-moga membantu yaaaa :D

  2. yaaap ka cecil, aku ada pertanyaan lagi. hehe. aku udah comment di blog ka cecil. makasih ya udah bantu kasih info dan saran :D
